Sometimes when looking closely through the lens of my camera at a gifted artisan’s working hands, I see movements similar to the supple and exacting hand-motions of a musician. This is especially true when it comes to carving. Woodcarving requires a high-degree of free-hand skill. There are few opportunities to rely on jigs or fixtures. To master the skill, it helps to understand that it’s not simply how a carver slices the chisel’s cutting edge into wood grain, but also how tool grip and hand motion gets transmitted to the sharp end of the tool. If you’re like me, you’ll find this kind of closer examination instructive and inspiring. That’s why I made the video here featuring the Irion Company’s carving expert Brad Ramsay.

Brad is one these naturally gifted artists whose precise and flowing hand movements allow him to wield total control over his work. In this video segment we take a closer look at these motions as Brad explains how he uses his hands in a variety of ways to control his carving tools (chisels, gouges, or sweeps, etc). Among other subtleties, there are five (5) hand grips or motions worth examining in closer detail that increase carving control including; how to add power to your grip, how to use “skewing” motions to cut through difficult grain, how to lock the gouge into your palm & fingers by using your “pinky” or “little” finger, how to form a tool rest with your opposing hand, and how to choke up or down on your grip to alter your leverage and maximize control. — Keith (5 Minute Woodworking Video)

Brad Ramsay is the Irion Company’s in-house carving expert. The Irion Company specializes in the restoration, conservation, and hand-made reproduction of American antique furniture from the 18th and 19th century.

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Warning! Skip this video if you haven’t watched any of my “How to Carve Twists & Spirals” video series featuring Irion Company carver, Brad Ramsay. I say this not to discourage you, because it’s a revelation here to see Brad work his magic. But if you first watch Part 2 or Part 3 (which features real hands-on carving of a “period correct” twist finial) I think you will find this video to be all the more important, interesting and fun.

What impressed me the most while I was filming this segment, was the fact that Brad truly relishes the layout and preparation phase of this project, mostly because it offers him the freedom to re-work and tune things when changes are most easily made. And, it seems to me that there are certain appealing artistic opportunities here too.

In this video, Brad shows us how he breaks it all down — using only a pencil, compass and dividers. There are essentially four steps in the process. First, Brad segments the un-carved pre-turned blank into the equal divisions to match the original (or desired model design). He then draws a smooth 360 twist from the base to the top of the woodturning blank, making sure this line flows gently from top to bottom. Next, he creates additional layout divisions for reference. And then finally, he draws the remaining repeating elements to match the first.

The entire process once seen, is easy to understand. And keep this in mind, this layout method has broader application in any project requiring layout of repeating circular, spiral, or twisting designs in furniture or other wood objects. Not a bad thing to know and stash away in your bag of tricks. — Keith (7 Minute Woodworking Video)

For more in this series watch: Secrets Revealed: How to Rough Carve Twists and Spirals (Part 2 of 3)

The Irion Company specializes in the restoration, conservation, and hand-made reproduction of American antique furniture from the 18th and 19th century. Brad Ramsay is a cabinetmaker and he specializes in period correct carvings.

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This is the final wrap-up segment on my video series on “How To Hand Cut Dovetails” featuring master artisan Craig Vandall Stevens. There are many steps to getting optimum results cutting dovetails, so focusing on just 5 ideas is sure to leave some key point on the table. And that’s where you come in.

Watch the video, think about your own experience, and then share your ideas or questions with the rest of the WoodTreks family of viewers. It’s easy. Comment below. To stay current with the discussion, make sure you check off the option “Notify me of followup comments” located below the comment “submit” button.

So what are you waiting for? Watch the video and then give us your “2 Cents”. — Keith (5 Minute Woodworking Video)

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