Occasionally it is necessary to sharpen very badly worn and/or out of square plane irons, chisel blades or other tool edges. You could hand sharpen the edge using traditional water or oil stones, but you’ll save time doing the heavy prep work with a power grinder. The key is to make sure you do it right. You don’t have to spend a fortune on a grinding machine. Even a budget model will give you good results. In this short video clip, I’ll take a beat-up, 50 year old plane blade/iron my dad had stored on his shelf and restore a course, but accurate, approximate 25 degree hollow ground bevel in preparation for hand sharpening with japanese waterstones. Learn this time saving method. (5 Minute Video)
Hi Keith,
Well, I just love checking in from time to time. Your videos are just great. Life is all about learning something new every day.
I have just about finished building a new shop. Quite small really, only for hand tool use. I will use the old shop for milling, to tell the truth. I find myself coming more and more to hand tools — stopping all work now for over 6 weeks and working on all my tools — tuning them to get the best from them.
I have finally gotten a full set of old pre-war Stanley hand plans. I wish you could try one. They cut the most amazing shavings. I don’t know about reading print, but you can see though them.
I love working with wood — love learning and you are a large help. I thank you — what you do is so meaningful. I am now moving though my 50’s. By the time I make 60 I hope to have built some fine work that my younger family will enjoy for years to come. We live in hope.
Sometimes your work brings me right in there with you — the detail you show. Man please do more when time allows. Keep it up. We need you.
Scotland UK
Thank you very much. I have been struggling with trying to use a grinder for a badly non-square plane blade, and had given up by spending many hours using jigs and water stones. Your video will save me many hours.
It is SO Nice to be able to watch how this stuff is done rather than reading instructions… I watched this one and the new plane one and getting the razor blade honed and read to plane! Thank You.
Thank you from Scotland! I greatly appreciate you sharing the high quality, detailed information provided in these videos. These skills are fading away in the modern world – well done sharing them, for free!
Keith’s Note: Thanks for the shoutout from Scotland. Welcome.