Keeping tools sharp is one of the pinnacle skills in almost all woodworking pursuits. Simply put, tool edge sharpness makes working wood easier and more accurate. This video segment reveals the process used by many woodworkers to accurately hone plane and chisel blades to a razor edge. I’ll take you step-by-step through the process including; how to hold a plane blade for maximum control and effectiveness, how to flatten the back of the tool edge, how to hone a micro-bevel, and how to work through different grades of Japanese Waterstones. With just a little practice, you can master the art. (11 Minute Video)

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For me, any trick that makes sharpening woodworking tools faster and easier, is a trick worth considering. In this video segment, I’ll show you how to build a compact sharpening station designed to hold either oil or waterstones securely to your work surface. This fixture also has the added benefit of helping to keep your worksurface protected from the inevitable sludge and grime that is part of the sharpening process. When you’re done honing your edges, stow the fixture out of the way. (4 Minute Video)

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Filed Under (Hand Planes) by Keith

Using a hand plane seems like a lost art. Even many experienced woodworkers have never picked up a hand plane. So whether you are a beginner just starting, or you’ve been working wood for years with power tools, now is the time to master the art of planing wood without machines. Handplanes open up a new world of possibilities.

In this video, I demonstrate how to secure your work to a bench, adopt the correct stance, and use the right method to grip the plane. You’ll also learn how to use winding sticks to straighten bowed, twisted and warped stock. Success comes from a combination of proper tool selection, tuning, and set-up, as well has your physical technique. (8 Minute Video)

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